01 October 2018
I finished the non-painting and basing portion of my Quad Tower, and am really pleased with how it turned out.
And I had enough bits left over for one smaller building, which I also like.
Now I'm waiting on some 1/8 inch styrene for basing these, and then paint.
04 September 2018
The first step of any project — planning.
I typically use SketchUp Make for simple 3D visualization of projects like this.
This will take 4 small and 4 large building sprues, and have enough left over for one more small building — so this is no small endeavor!
The plan is to place a 40K Comm Objective on top of each tower, have (maybe) an Arvus Lighter on the central Landing Pad, and some sort of fighter/bomber crashed into the side of one tower.
I'll be doing a test fit for the top of one tower and digging through my bitz box as the next steps.
The hobby possibilities for AT boggle the mind
- Files for laser-cut acrylic Command Terminals
- Files for laser-cut MDF buildings
- Modular 2' x 2' game board designs